So apparently Real Madrid FC is in talks with the Manchester United in order to acquire these two players by contract. This battle has been going on for some time now, it goes back to 2005 for Cristiano Ronaldo and 2007 for Carlos Tévez, even though he said he'd rather play on the italian soccer team Internazionale Milano (Inter).
Players and directors of these clubs always come back and forth with these subjects, and usually players move just for the fame or the money, like what happened with Beckham.
I stopped being a fan of Beckham when he decided to switch to the Real Madrid FC (which happens to be my favorite Spain soccer team) after pretty much swearing he would never change to another team since Manchester United was the team that took him in and believed in him when he was just a rookie. And then he changed over to the LA Galaxy just for the fame of "Hollywood" and all the crap that came out with it.
So... would I like to see them in ManUtd? No, cuz they're just doing for the money and the "star" status, specially that self-centered Ronaldo guy.